1.Getting Started
LSU Libraries provides LSU students, faculty, and staff with the opportunity to sign up for a domain name and collaboratively or individually work on digital projects, publish academic writing, and build an online professional presence. You can easily install applications that will allow you to create blogs, media-rich digital scholarship, digital collections, and more. LSU Libraries invites all members of the LSU community to use this space to create your digital identity and express your creativity.
1.1.Choosing your domain name
Before requesting your domain, we recommend thinking through what domain name you intend to choose. Your domain name will be a unique web address ending with “lsusites.org” (e.g. yourname.lsusites.org). You will be able to use this personal web address to build out your own digital presence. As you consider your domain name, keep in mind:
- One core domain name will be associated with your LSU email address, but you will be able to build on that core domain as your projects develop. For example, if you are a teaching faculty member who intends to use this domain to host projects for a variety of courses, you might choose “prof-mallory.lsusites.org.” Later, you will be able to build on that domain with web addresses such as: literarymonsters.prof-mallory.lsusites.org or prof-mallory.lsusites.org/seniorcapstone
- You may wish to include your name in your domain: There is no requirement that your domain reflects your specific identity in the form of your first and last name. However, choosing a domain name that includes your name may make it easier for you to achieve higher rankings in search engines when someone queries your real name.
1.2.Signing Up
Once you have a clear sense of what domain name you would like, you can proceed to LSU Sites.
Click the “Get Started” Button
Use your LSU email address and password to sign in.
After you sign in, you will be directed to a domain request form, which gathers a small amount of information about you and your interest in an LSU Sites domain. We use this information to make sure you’re a real person and potentially provide you with some guidance. However, the domain name you enter into the request form is not final.
After we approve your request, you will be notified via email.
Finally, navigate back to LSU Sites and click “login” to officially create your free domain name.
Confirm that you like the name you selected. If you do, click the “signup” button.
The next screen will look like an online shopping cart, but this service is entirely free. You will be charged zero dollars ($0) for your domain.
You should now see a screen confirming that your subdomain is ready. After a few seconds, you will be directed to your new dashboard.
1.3.Understanding Accounts & Passwords
One aspect of this web hosting world that users may find a bit complicated at first is understanding the different accounts (and associated passwords) that you can manage as part of your participation. This article outlines the types of accounts that you are likely to have, what they are for, and how you go about resetting passwords on each of them.
Your cPanel Account
When you first sign-up for your domain and hosting, a cPanel account will be generated that provides you with access to your slice of the web server. Your cPanel account is automatically associated with your LSU email and password. Therefore, your LSU email and password will grant you access to your cPanel account.
Your Individual Application Accounts (i.e. WordPress, Scalar, etc.)
Every time you install a new application in cPanel, a new account for that application will be created. You will likely use these accounts very often – every time you need to login to an application such as WordPress, Scalar, or Omeka to manage the associated website, you will have to sign in to this account.
Your usernames and passwords for these applications are not connected to your LSU email and password like your overall cPanel account is. You will create new usernames and passwords for your applications. Usually, you will be given the opportunity to choose the username and password for applications you install.
For example, if you navigate to the WordPress application and click “install this application….”
…you will be directed to a set-up form, where you can set your own username and password…
You will want to remember this username and password so that you can sign in to the application after it is installed.
That being said, if you’ve used Installatron (in cPanel) to install the application, you can always review and change your account info:
Log into cPanel
Find the application you installed under My Applications.
Click the Edit button (this looks like a blue wrench).
Scroll down to find the Administrator Username and Password.
In addition, most applications should have some kind of password reset link on the login page. For more information on resetting your application password through Installatron, click here.
1.4.What Can You Do with Your Account?
Install a Web Application in Your Space
This hosting space makes it very simple to install certain Web applications in your cPanel account. Web applications allow you to build and manage a website. The kind of site you can build depends on the type of application you install. Here are some examples of applications that you can easily install within the lsusites.org web hosting interface:
WordPress: WordPress is a simple-to-use blogging application. The tool also comes with a huge array of plugins & themes to allow you to create virtually any kind of website imaginable.
Omeka: Omeka can be used to create and display online digital collections and archives.
Scalar: Scalar allows you to create digital “books” that juxtapose all types of media with writing. Scalar books can be built collaboratively–as a class, for example.
Mediawiki: It is the open-source wiki software that runs the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. This tool may be right for you if you’re interested in publishing documents then collaborating with others.
These are just a few of the applications that are available to you in your hosting space. We encourage you to read more about what Web applications are and which ones are available to you through.
Play with Multiple Applications Using Subdomains and Folders
Although you only receive one “root” domain (yourname.lsusites.org), you can install lots of applications by dividing your root domain into subdomains and/or subfolders. Here’s an example of how you might organize your site (using the subdomain vs. the subfolder approach)
Subdomain Approach | Subfolder Approach | |
yourdomain.com (“root”) | Install WordPress as your “main site” | yourdomain.com (“root”) |
course1.yourdomain.com | Install a second WordPress instance for a course you’re taking | yourdomain.com/course1 |
collection.yourdomain.com | Install Omeka to create a digital collection you’ll use in class | yourdomain.com/collection |
docs.yourdomain.com | Install MediaWiki for a club you belong to that wants to collaboratively edit its bylaws | yourdomain.com/docs |
files.yourdomain.com | Install OwnCloud so you can access your files on your laptop and at work | yourdomain.com/files |
This is just an example of a way to organize your site and then use different sections to do different things. There is no one solution to this challenge, and what you do should be driven by what makes sense to you.
1.5.Registering a Domain
You have the option to start with a free subdomain (e.g. yourname.lsusites.org) and then later decide you’d like to purchase a top-level domain (e.g. yourname.com) after using the space.
If you want to kick the “lsusites.org” part out of your new web address, you will have to pay for that yourself.
While you are at LSU, you can purchase your own top-level domain from Reclaim Hosting for (currently) $15/year. You can continue to use this domain if you leave LSU, although the cost may increase.
To register a top-level domain, log into your newly created cPanel, navigate to the Domains section, and click Register Top-Level Domain.
This panel offers a step-by-step guide to registering and adding a new top-level domain to your new cPanel account.
2.Understanding cPanel
The cPanel, or control panel, is the dashboard that lets you easily access and manage the files and applications of your account.
LSU has a few featured applications listed (WordPress, Omeka, Grav, etc.) but there are many, many more that can be utilized. Just click on All Applications in order to see what possibilities lie in wait for your domain!
The Domains section of cPanel allows you to create new subdomains (e.g. subdomain.yourname.lsusites.org) and pay to register a top-level domain (e.g. www.yourname.com). Additionally, you can use the Zone Editor to map different parts of your domain to other hosting environments.
- Subdomains act as a second website with its own unique content without having to register a new domain name. In general, you use your existing domain name and add a phrase to the beginning of the address. For example, student.lsusites.org is a subdomain of lsusites.org.
- Redirects map old domains to your existing domain.
Within files, you are able to manage and organize all the files on your domain. To truly see the capabilities of these tools – just click and explore!
- File Manager allows you to manage all files connected to your account, including renaming, uploading, and deleting them. You can also get to your file manager using the Quick Links section at the top left of your cPanel.
- Images lets your manage images that have been previously saved to your account.
- Directory Privacy allows you to set a password to protect certain directories of your account.
- Disk Usage helps you monitor your account’s available space.
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a fast and convenient way to transfer large files online. More information can be found in the “Setting up FTP” section of this documentation.
- R1Soft Restore Backups is the recommended backup option of the three backup icons displayed. You can read more about it under the “Automated Offsite Backups” section of Reclaim’s blog post “Backups Done Right”.
The Preferences area allows you to change your language, change the style of the interface, and your contact information. While we recommend that you leave your primary contact email as your school email address, you are more than welcome to add a second! Further, within Contact Information, you can update your notification preferences.
- Password & Security: allows you to change your cPanel password. (Needed for FTP connection, for example)
- Change Language: This tool allows you to change the language used in your cPanel Dashboard.
- Change Style: Use this tool to customize your cPanel interface; choose between Basic and Retrothemes.
- User Manager: Find how to use User Manager here
Somewhat Advanced Sections of cPanel:
The Databases section allows you to create MySQL and PostgreSQL databases and users, and to modify access to them. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is an international standard in querying and retrieving information from databases. PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system.
- phpMyAdmin: manages a single database as well as a whole MySQL server.
- MySQL Database & MySQL Database Wizard: allows you to store and manage large amounts of information over the web; these are essential to running web-based applications, for example: bulletin boards, content management systems, and online shopping carts. The Wizard guides you through the setup of a MySQL database and user privileges.
- Remote MySQL: You can use this to add a specific domain name so visitors can connect to your MySQL databases.
cPanel offers a number of different monitoring and statistic tools to help you administer your hosting account. Some of the more important and useful functions are explained in more depth below.
- Visitors: Use this to see your 1,000 most recent visitors for each of your domains.
- Errors: This displays the last 300 errors on your site; helpful if looking for missing files or broken links.
- Bandwidth: Bandwidth represents the amount of information that your server transfers and receives. Use this function to view the bandwidth usage for your site; see total usage, or by month. Includes web and mail usage.
- Raw Access: This is another stats function that allows you to see who has visited your website without graphics. A downloadable zip file of your site’s activity is availble.
- Awstats: Allows you to see your website visitors with visual aides.
- CPU and Concurrent Connection Usage: Lets you visualize the CPU and RAM usage of your site.
cPanel has an entire security section devoted to protecting different parts of customer web sites from the unauthorized access of their viewers. The cPanel Security section includes SSH Access, IP Blocker, SSL/TLS, Hotlink Protection, Leech Protection and ModSecurity.
- SSH Access: Allows secure file transfers and remote logins online. Watch a video on how to manage SSH Keys on Reclaim Hosting.
- IP Blocker: This function allows you to block a range of IP addresses to prevent them from accessing your website. This is done by simply searching a qualified domain name.
- SSL/TLS: The SSL/TLS Manager will allow you to generate SSL certificates, certificate signing requests, and private keys. These are all parts of using SSL to secure your website. Information is sent encrypted instead of in plain text.
- Hotlink Protection: Prevents other websites from directly linking to files on your website.
- Leech Protection: Prevents your users from giving out or publicly posting their passwords to a restricted area of your site
- ModSecurity: Protects your website from various attacks using a web application firewall, provides additional tools to monitor your Apache web server.
- SSL/TLS Status: Allows you to view, upgrade, or renew your Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates.
The Software section of cPanel is located towards the bottom of your cPanel dashboard. The functions that get used most often in this category are Optimize Website and the Installatron Applications Installer.
- Optimize Website: This function allows you to optimize the performance of your website by tweaking the way Apache handles requests
- Installatron Applications Installer: Another route to the “View More” in Web Applications, which lists all available features that can be installed on your domain.
Very Advanced Section of cPanel:
The Advanced Section is located at near the very end of your cPanel dashboard. We recommend using this area only if you are familiar and comfortable with utilizing these features.
- Track DNS: this allows you to find out information about any domain; trace the route from the server to your computer, for example. This can be helpful to make sure your DNS is set up properly.
- Indexes: This manager customizes the way a directory can be seen (or not seen) online.
- Error Pages: In two simple steps, you can select the domain you wish to work with, and then create/edit error pages for that site that viewers will see.
- Virus Scanner: is essentially what it sounds like; start a new virus scan in Mail, Entire Home Directory, Public Web Space or Public FTP space.
2.1.Installing Apps with Installatron
Installatron (in cPanel) allows you to automatically install dozens of applications. When you use Installatron, you don’t need to worry about moving files, creating databases, or doing the initial configuration. It’s all taken care of for you.
Installing Applications Using Installatron
To get started you’ll need to login to your control panel by going to https://lsusites.org/dashboard/.
Here you’ll log in with your LSU Sites username and password.
Once logged in you’ll be on the homepage of your control panel (cPanel). Under “Tools,” you will see a section of your cPanel labeled Applications.
To explore all the applications you can install with a single-click, begin by clicking the “All Applications” button.
Look at all those apps! You can install any of them with Installatron.
When you find one you want to install, click it’s icon, and then click “install this application.”
A page will appear with a number of settings you can choose/change. The image below shows these settings; here is a rundown of them:
- Location: You’ll need to choose where to install your new application. You can install it at the root of your domain or in a subdomain (which you need to set up first). In addition, you can place your application in a folder (in either your root domain or a subdomain)
- Version Information: We recommend choosing the default version.
- Updates & Database Management: By default, the system is set up to automatically upgrade (and create backups upon upgrading) all applications. We recommend NOT changing these options.
- Username/Password: An username/password will be automatically generated for you. You can choose to change this if you like. Remember then so that you can sign in to the app later.
Where’s my new application now?
Locate and launch all of your installed apps via the “My Apps” button on your cPanel.
2.2.Subdomains vs. Subdirectories
You’ll likely want to use your domain to manage separate projects, potentially built on different applications. Consider this scenario: you want to have a personal blog on your new Web space, where you share pictures and short written pieces with family, friends, and colleagues. In addition, you’re working on a large research project that requires you to build a Web-based repository of digital images related to your discipline. You want to use one application (say, WordPress) to manage your personal blog. For your research project, you’ve settled on another open-source application (Say, Omeka). Both of these are applications that need to be installed on your Web host, but you can’t just put them both at your main domain name – if you did, both sites would quickly experience conflicts and errors. You need to cordon off separate spaces for your different Web “properties.”
There are two primary strategies for parceling up your Web space. You can create subdomains or subdirectories. But before you can understand the difference, you need to first understand what we mean when we talk about your root domain.
Root Domain
Let’s say you’ve registered a new domain for lsusites.org called blog.lsusites.org. Anything that is stored at this core URL is considered to be at the root of your domain. Nothing comes before the address or after the address. You can certainly decide that you simply want to have a single site on your Web host (say a blog running WordPress), and you can set that blog up at your domain’s root. To get to your site in this scenario, users would simply go to blog.lsusites.org.
When you want to do more than just have a single site at the root of your site, you need to decide now to organize your space. One way to do so is by setting up subdomains.
You’re may already be familiar with the concept of subdomains, even if you don’t know it. Consider Google’s website at https://google.com. As you browse features of that site, you’ll notice that the domain changes. When you’re looking at your Gmail account, for example, the domain changes to https://mail.google.com.
In this instance, mail.google.com is a subdomain that provides a different utility than google.com. The domains serve two purposes: they help to organize the site from a technical perspective, but they also serve as indications to the users that they are in a new/different space.
As you work on your site, you’re welcome to create as many subdomains as you like, and in each subdomain you can actually create a distinct, individual Web site.
The alternative for organizing your space is to simply set up subdirectories. These function much like file folders on your computer. Instead of creating a blog at blog.yourdomain.com you would place it in a subdirectory called “blog” making the address yourdomain.com/blog. Setting up subdirectory is really easy. You can create folders on the fly when installing applications (like WordPress), and you can also manually create them in your file browser.
Tips & Review
Subdomains are generally a cleaner, more elegant solution to organizing your site. You’re less likely to get conflicts or errors. However, when using subdomains the process is slightly more complicated: You must create subdomains first before you can install anything in them.
Subdirectories don’t create as pretty URLs as subdomains, but they’re easier to set up. They can, however, result in conflicts with existing Web pages.
As soon as you create subdomains or subdirectories to organize your site, you need to consider how people are going to find them. If you’ve created a new primary blog at blog.yourdomain.com, and someone goes to just yourdomain.com, they won’t see that new site. It is possible to set up redirects to avoid this issue. You can also always create links from pages on one subdomain of your site to another.
If you really just need one site, sometimes installing at the root of your domain is the easiest thing to do, at least as you’re getting started. You can always add more pieces to your territory later with either subdomains or subdirectories.
2.3.Setting Up Subdomains
A subdomain is one way of organizing and separating content on your site. To create a subdomain, use the following steps:
- Log into lsusites.org with your LSU username and password to access your cPanel.
- From your cPanel, find the “Domains” icon under the Domains section of cPanel
- Click “Create a New Domain.”
- Type the name of your new subdomain into the text box. NOTE: Your new subdomains must be structured as a division of your root domain. For example, if your main “root” domain is lastname.lsusites.org, your new subdomain might be newdomain.lastname.lsusites.org.
In the example below, my root domain is leahduncan.lsusites.org, and my new subdomain is novels.leahduncan.lsusites.org. I cannot create a new subdomain without the “leahduncan.lsusites.org” part.
The form might suggest alternative names for your new subdomain. Assuming you are structuring your subdomain name correctly, you can ignore the often unhelpful suggestions.
- Once you’ve typed in a name, cPanel will automatically populate the Document root field for you. This will create a folder to contain your subdomain’s files. You’ll usually want this folder to match the name of your subdomain, so it’s easy to identify where different files live in your account. Once you’re done, click Create.
Your subdomain will now be available as an option for automatic installation of various software (WordPress, MediaWiki, etc). If you prefer to install web applications manually, you can do so in the document root (folder) you created in step 5.
2.4.Accessing Files through File Manager
Web hosting is, at its basic core, files and folders on a computer that is connected to the internet and setup to distribute them. Your LSU cPanel includes a File Manager that allows you to interact directly with the files stored in your web hosting account. This can be useful if you want to upload software that cannot be automatically installed via the Web Applications section of your cPanel, if you need to change the name or permissions of a file or group or files, or if you want to edit a plain text file. To access your files via the File Manager, use these steps:
- Login to lsusites.org with your LSU username and password.
- Once logged in, you’ll be on the homepage of your cPanel. Find the File Manager icon under the Files section, and click.
- On the left side of the “File Manager” window, you’ll see a navigation menu containing the file structure of your web hosting account. More information about the contents of these files and folders can be found in the File Structures and the File Manager documentation article.
- In the navigation menu, choose the public_html directory. This will take you directly to the folder that contains the files associated with your website(s). Click on the name of the folder to view all of its contents in the file browser on the right side of the page.
- To select an item, click once on its icon in the file browser. You can also use the “Select All” button above the file browser.
- Depending on what you have selected, different options will be available to you in the action menu across the top of your file manager. For example, if you have selected a folder, you can rename it or Change Permissions on it.
- If you know exactly what location you want to skip to within your web hosting account, you can type it into the box directly above the navigation menu and click Go.
- Alternatively, if you know the exact name of the file or folder you are looking for, but not its location, you can use the Search box to find it.
2.5.Setting Up FTP
There may be times when you need to upload files to your website in LSU Sites. There are a number of scenarios when this might be necessary:
You’re working with an application that allows you to install plugins/extensions, but the files need to be manually added to your file manager in order to install them. (Note: This is not required for WordPress which allows you to install themes/plugins through the WordPress dashboard.)
You’ve developed a custom site/pages using a Web design program, and you need to upload the files you created to your file manager
You’re installing an application that isn’t part of applications list in Installatron.
One way to upload files is by using the File Manager that is part of cPanel. However, sometimes you’ll find it easier/necessary to use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to move files to your site. This can be particularly useful if you’re working with a Web space where you’re not the owner (so you don’t have access to the File Manager in cPanel) or if you need to provide file access to someone else to your space on the Web server. File Manager also only allows you to upload files one by one, so if you’re working with large amounts of data then FTP will be preferable.
What exactly is FTP?
File Transfer Protocol is a method that allows you to remotely move files to a Web server from another location – usually your local/personal computer. Using a pre-defined FTP account (with a username and password), you can configure an FTP client (a program you run on your computer that allows you to transfer files via FTP.
There are lots of FTP clients that you can use; some are free and some are not. A few free ones you might consider:
For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll show you how to set up FTP in FileZilla, (Cyberduck instructions can be found here) but you should be able to generalize these instructions to use in any FTP client.
Get Information about Your FTP Account
If you’re connecting via FTP to your own space on LSU Sites, or if you’re setting up an FTP account for someone else to use, you’ll need to start by getting the proper FTP credentials from cPanel:
- Login to lsusites.org.
- From your cPanel, find the “FTP Accounts” icon under the “Files” section and click.
- Every cPanel has an FTP account by default, and you can find those credentials by scrolling down on the FTP Accounts page. You also have the option to create a new FTP account, which can be done by filling out the Add FTP Account form with a username and password. Unless you change it, the new FTP account will be limited to a directory with the same name as the account you’re creating. You can change this to a different directory, if you want to grant this account access to a different location. NOTE: Make sure you know/remember the password you enter. When you’re done, click Create FTP Account.
- Once you’ve created the new account, you’ll see it appear in the list at the bottom of the FTP Accounts page. In addition to any accounts you’ve created, in the Special FTP Accounts section, you’ll see the default FTP Account. You’ll know this account because the username corresponds to your cPanel username. This FTP account has full privileges to access all directories within your cPanel.
- For whichever account you need credentials for, click the Configure FTP Client link.
- Write down the username, server, and port information that appears. You will need to use this (or you will need to provide this to the person you are giving FTP access) along with the password you created in Step 3 in order to configure your FTP client.
For cPanel’s default FTP account, use the following settings:
-Connect via SFTP (more secure than FTP)
-Port: 22
For an FTP account that you manually created (shown in Step 3 above), use the following settings:
-Connect via FTP (cPanel doesn’t allow an SFTP connection for manual accounts)
-Port: 21
Configure FTP in Your FTP Client
Below are links to tutorials for setting up both FileZilla and CyberDuck to connect to your FTP account.
For further assistance on FTP, read this guide.
3.Popular Applications
WordPress is a blog application. Powering over 30% of the web, WordPress is easily one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in existence today. You can read more about the WordPress backstory here.
3.1.1.Installing WordPress
- Once logged in at https://lsusites.org you’ll be at the homepage of your control panel (aka cPanel). Scroll down and look under Web Applications, then click the WordPress button.
- To begin the install click Install this Application in the upper-righthand corner.
- On the next page, the installer will ask for some information about this install. The first thing you’ll want to do is decide where to install it. For example, you could install it in a subdomain you have created by selecting it from the drop-down menu. You also have the option of installing WordPress in a subfolder by typing in the folder name in the Directory field. Click here for more information about subdomains.
- By default the installer will automatically backup your website and update it anytime a new version comes out, and we recommend you keep this option. The installer will also create a database for you automatically, but if you’ve already created one for this website you can choose Let me manage the database settings and enter the details. Finally, you’ll need to create an initial username and password for the WordPress install. Enter that information in the final section and click Install.
- The installer will take just a few moments to install WordPress and a progress bar will keep you updated. When it is complete, you will see a link to your new WordPress site as well as a link to the backend administrative section for your WordPress site.
Congratulations, you’ve now installed WordPress!
Now, you need to be able to login to your WordPress to start building your site. To do so, navigate back to your cPanel dashboard, and click “My Apps.”
Find your WordPress application. If you’ve installed several applications at different subdomains or subdirectories, you’ll see them all here. Click the middle link, which will take you to the WordPress log in page.
Log in with the information you entered when you installed the application. If you aren’t sure what you entered, you can view and edit your username and password by returning to “My Apps,” and clicking the wrench icon next to your WordPress application (you can see the wrench icon in the image above).
3.1.2.Settings: Title & Tagline
Now that you have your WordPress installed and running, it’s time to look at some basic settings for your site.
- After logging in to WordPress, the place that you will access the settings for your site is called the Dashboard, and it provides the starting point for accessing all of your sites dials and knobs. Your WordPress Dashboard looks similar to your cPanel Dashboard, because cPanel is also built on WordPress….
- The setting we will look at here is your blog “title” and “tagline”. It is located in Settings > General. Once you’re on the General Settings page, you can give your blog any title you want. You can also give your blog a tagline, which can be a short description of the blog.
When you change the Blog title and tagline, they will show up at the top of your site. Depending on what theme you use, the title and taglines will show up in various places.
There are more settings on the General Settings page, such as setting the administrative email account, time zone, date format, etc. Change those to whatever is appropriate for your site and geographical location.
3.1.3.WordPress Themes
When it comes to WordPress, customizing the look of your site is simple and straightforward. When you install WordPress, the default (or pre-set) theme is typically named after the year it was created, such as Twenty Twenty-Three. It is a very customizable theme.
In addition to the default theme, you’ll have other themes available to you. You can activate another theme on your site or install a completely new one.
Activating Themes
Start at your site’s Dashboard.
- Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
- You will see thumbnail images representing each of the themes that you currently have available on your site. Simply mouse over any one of them, and click the Activate link.
That’s all you need to do to change the look of your site with a new theme.
Installing Themes
If none of the themes that were provided when you installed WordPress are what you’re looking for, you can always search for and install other themes from the WordPress Theme Repository.
- Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
- Installing new themes is quite simple. You start by going to the Add New Button.
- The initial page is the Search Theme page. You can click “feature filter” to explore options related to your needs.
- Under the thumbnail picture of each theme (when you hover your mouse over the theme) are three choices: Install, Preview, and Details & Preview. Those choices should be pretty self-explanatory so click Install to add a new theme to your site.
- After you install the theme, it is still not active on your site. You will need to Activate it to use it.
Once activated, your site will be using the new theme. Visit your site’s homepage to view your new theme.
3.1.4.Publishing Content
The primary activity that you’re likely to be doing on your WordPress site is publishing content. The content could be the text you write, pictures you take, videos or audios (which may be hosted on another site), or other media.
Posts vs. Pages
Out of the box, WordPress provides two primary content types for you to work with: posts and pages. If you read blogs or have ever written for a blog before, the concept of a post is probably a bit familiar. Posts often are content that appear on your blog in some kind of scheduled way. They usually are presented on your site in reverse-chronological order. Posts might be what you use to share your regular thoughts, reflections, or ideas about a topic. Posts make up a kind of “river” of content that you’re producing as part of your blogging activity.
Pages usually correspond to our more traditional concept of what makes up a Web site. Pages are presented outside of the “river” of content that are posts. They are more likely to stand alone and be organized according to a traditional hierarchy. Pages might be content that is less frequently updated or changed.
If you are an educator using WordPress to facilitate a collaborative class blog, you might have a page for the course syllabus, but you might encourage students to create weekly posts in which they reflect on assigned readings, for example.
A few other things to know about Pages vs Posts:
If you want your content to be accessible to your users via RSS/syndication, you’ll need to use Posts. By default, Pages do not appear in a site’s RSS feed.
Categories and Tags (which are used in WordPress to help you organize your content) are ONLY available on Posts. Page organization is done by customizing your site’s menus.
Okay, this get’s a little tricky: WordPress, by default, also creates “Category Pages” and “Tag Pages” that display all the Posts in a category or tag. These are NOT related to the regular Page type.
Upon occasion, you may want to include media (images, audio, video) in your site’s posts and pages. There are generally two approaches to handling media in WordPress:
Uploading: You can upload the files to your site’s Media Gallery and then link to them in your posts/pages. This works very well for images, and when you take this approach for images you have the added benefit of being able to make use of WordPress’ built-in (albeit rudimentary) editing tools. Also, when you upload images to WordPress, it automatically creates different sizes that you can use, as needed. This approach works less well for audio and video. In order to have your media files actually show up in a “player” (with controls for stopping, pausing, etc.) you’ll need to install a plugin. Otherwise, you’ll only be able to include links to the files. How people view/listen to them will depend a bit on the setup on their own computer and in their own browser. They may, for example, have to download the media file and then open it in another program on their computer.
Embedding: You can embed media from other sites easily in WordPress. Embedding an image just means providing a URL to its location elsewhere on the Web. Instead of uploading it to the server, WordPress grabs that image from the external source and displays it on your post/page. However, with this approach, you lose your editing capabilities as well as the resizing feature. You can embed video and audio from many external services (YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud) by simply placing the full URL of the audio/video location on its own line in your post/page. There is a complete list of supported external services, and you can learn more about embedding from external sources at the WordPress site.
Our general advice is generally to embed audio and video by linking to YouTube, Vimeo, or SoundCloud. For images, if you need to do basic editing and/or require different sizes of images, upload them to your site. Otherwise, consider referencing them from another location (your Flickr account, for example).
Post Block Editor
WordPress is currently using a “block” editor for building posts. When you click on “Posts” and “Add New,” you’ll see a “+” sign, where you can select from a large variety of block formats.
Browse these blocks to explore various way to embed format text, embed media, and add design elements.
3.1.5.Create a Front Page
WordPress is a very flexible platform for creating full-blown websites, not just blogging sites. This page will show you how to change the “front page” of your website.
As we have said before, WordPress provides two primary content types for you two work with: posts and pages. Posts, as in blog posts, are a somewhat complex form of a webpage. Each blog post gets published in reverse chronological order, on the front page of a WordPress site. You write a new post, and it gets published at the top of the front page. Pages are a more static form of content. They are additional areas to put information that doesn’t change much. So what if you would like to make the front page of your WordPress site based on a page instead of your blog posts?
- Start at the Dashboard.
- Navigate to Settings > Reading.
- Normally, the front page displays your latest blog posts. What we want to do instead is select a Page from the website. Obviously, this page has to exist before you can select it. Select the “A static page” radio button and choose the About page from the Front page drop-down menu (an About page was created for you when you installed WordPress). Press the Save Changes button and now you will have the “About” page as your Front page. Edit it as you see fit and provide a good welcoming page for your visitors.
- But wait. What will happen to your blog posts? Most people will want them as the “dynamic” part of your site. First, create a new Page.
- Title it Blog (you can title it whatever you want but Blog is common and descriptive). Leave the page blank (don’t type any text in the edit box) and Publish it.
- Now go back to Settings > Reading. Under the static page area choose Blog from the Posts page drop-down.
- Click the Save Changes button. Now your “home” page will actually display the About page. You will also have a Blog item in your menu (depending on your theme, you may have to customize your page display to see pages).
- If you click on the Blog menu item, you will then see your blog posts. Notice the /blog added to the web address.
Part of the popularity of WordPress is how easily it makes a website functional and yet attractive. One of the smaller details that you might want to adjust is how the addresses to your blog posts are structured. Permalink is the name given to the address of an individual blog post because they are “permanent links”. For this example, the web address we’ll use for this sample blog is yourdomain.lsusites.org. The link to the first post, titled “Hello World” may be structured in many ways. The screenshot below shows one way: “http://yourdomain.lsusites.org/blog/uncategorized/hello-world”.
With WordPress, you have many options to form the links to posts, and you can change them to work for your particular content.
- To change the permalink structure, start by going to the Dashboard.
- Next, go to Settings > Permalinks. By default, your blog will use a “custom structure” that includes a category select and the name of the blog post.
- If you are not using categories, or prefer a different look to your blog post addresses, there are several choices under Common Settings. A popular choice is to use the Post name choice, which is a bit more informative. So our post titled “Hello World” will have an address of “http://sstrauss.lsusites.org/blog/hello-world”.
WordPress has a lot of functionality built-in, but occasionally you might find a specific need that isn’t a part of the default software. To accomplish this, WordPress has a plugin architecture where developers can create plugins that add additional functionality to your site. From simple photo galleries to site statistics, to automatic Twitter and Facebook sharing of posts, there is practically a plugin for whatever you need for your blog (over 54,000 at the time of this writing). To start using and installing plugins just follow these simple instructions:
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
- From the left side menu, locate and click plugins.
- You will be given a list of all your currently installed plugins. From this menu, you are able to activate and disable specified plugins by using either the single plugin options located under each plugin name. Or you may use the bulk action drop down menu to simultaneously activate/disable multiple plugins by checking desired plugins. Additionally, you may also sort through installed plugins using the sorting options above the bulk action menu.
To install a new plugin click add new either from the plugin sidebar or the main plugin menu, you will then be redirected to a search engine where you can search using general or specific terms to find plugins. For example, searching “photo gallery” brings up various plugins from different developers.
Once you find your desired plugin to install it hit install now, which will automatically install the plugin and prompt you if you would like to activate it now or return to the menu.
After installing your plugin be sure to visit the developers’ website if you have any additional questions about how the plugin works, as some plugins may require certain codes or other actions to be used properly.
Some plugins will have their own settings page located under the settings or tools categories, other plugins will break out their own menu item on the lefthand side of the dashboard. Sometimes it won’t be explicit how the plugin interacts with your personal site, so it’s important to make sure you’ve read the documentation available on the plugin’s website.
3.1.9.Site Privacy
WordPress is a platform intended to allow you to share your thoughts and ideas freely and easily with the world. However, there are options to publish to a more limited audience.
The first way is to limit who can find your website. That is done by keeping search engines, like Google, from seeing (known as indexing) your site.
- To do this, navigate to Settings > Reading. Normally the box next to Search Engine Visibility is unchecked. If you decide to check the box, it will “Discourage search engines from indexing this site.” It will depend on the search engine to honor your “request”. Some search engines will simply ignore it. Obviously, this is not a sure-fire way of keeping your blog private.
- You also have options on individual posts to keep them private, so that only people who are logged in to your site can view a given post. You can also password protect posts with a password you supply. Choose the Private radio button to keep a post hidden behind the login, or choose the Password protected button and then type in the password you wish to use. Click on OK when you are finished. Then be sure you click the Update button to save your post with the new settings.
3.1.10.Discussion Settings
What makes WordPress a powerful platform is that not only can you create a dynamic website, but you can also allow dynamic discussions about the content with your visitors. Comments, the bread and butter of the discussion, can add work to your website management. Comments also can come, unfortunately, in the form of Spam. We will give you some additional information about dealing with Spam in another section. For now, here’s how to manage your Discussion Settings.
- Start at the Dashboard.
- Navigate to Settings > Discussion.
- The two main forms of discussion on a website are “Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)” and “Allow people to post comments on new articles”.
- Comments are self-explanatory. People come to your website, read an article, and as long as you allow comments, people can write whatever is on their mind. Commenters must leave their name and email address (if you leave that setting checked). You can also require users to be registered to your site to comment. They would then need to be logged in to submit any comments. By default, you will get an email sent to the admin account of the WordPress site when someone posts a comment, or when a comment is held in moderation. You can uncheck those boxes if you do not wish to receive those emails.
- A comment will appear on the article (post or page) only after you approve it. If you have approved a comment author once, they will be automatically approved the next time they leave a comment on your site. If you uncheck the box labeled “Comment author must have a previously approved comment”, then all comments will appear automatically. We don’t recommend this setting.
- You also have some control over comment moderation regarding how many links a comment contains (spammers like to put links in their “comments”). You also can filter out words, URLs, email addresses, to hold them in moderation. You can then approve them, spam them, or trash them.
- There are also forms of discussion called link notifications. Spammers like these too. Here’s an article on the What, Why, and How-To’s of Trackbacks and Pingbacks in WordPress.
Omeka allows you to create and display online digital collections. Developed by programmers at George Mason University, Omeka was designed to be user-friendly, both during setup and daily usage.
You can learn more about how to use this application in the official Omeka Support Documentation.
3.2.1.Installing Omeka
To get started you’ll need to login to your cPanel Dashboard (https://lsusites.org/dashboard) using your LSU username and password.
- Navigate to the Applications section and select Omeka.
- This page gives you more information about the Omeka software. To begin the install, click install this application in the upper-righthand corner.
- On the next page, the installer will ask for some information about this install. The first thing you’ll want to do is decide where to install it. If you want to install Omeka on your main domain, you can leave the directory area empty. If you created a subdomain, you can select it from the drop-down menu. You also have the option of installing Omeka in a subfolder by typing in the folder name in the Directory field. Click here for more information about subdomains and subfolders.
- Scroll down to the next Setting section. Set an Administrator Username and Administrator Password that you can remember. You will need this again shortly.
- By default the installer will automatically backup your website and update it anytime a new version comes out. We recommend you keep this option. The installer will also create a database for you automatically, but if you’ve already created one for this website you can choose Let me manage the database settings and enter the details. Click Install to continue.
- When installation is complete you will see a link to your new Omeka site as well as a link to the backend administrative section for your Omeka site. Click the Omeka Admin link to configure your new Omeka installation.
- When you visit your new Omeka Admin link, you are asked for the admin username and password. Enter the Username and Password that you set on the Omeka installation page.
- Begin adding content in the Admin Dashboard. You’ll find lots of instructions, tips, and ideas on the Omeka.org documentation site.
3.2.2.Plugins & Themes
Installing Plugins
As you begin to use your Omeka install on Reclaim Hosting you may wish to add additional functionality by way of the various open source plugins available at http://omeka.org/add-ons/plugins/. Although Omeka doesn’t currently include an automated installer for plugins, the process of uploading them to your space is outlined here.
Before you can install a plugin to your site, you have to download the files from the Omeka Plugins site. Let’s say I want to download the “Admin Images” plugin. I will download it as a zip file from the Omeka plugin library.
Now that we have our plugin zip file downloaded, we can return to our cPanel Dashboard and access the File Manager located under the Files section.
In the File Manager, you’ll use the lefthand sidebar to navigate to the plugins folder within your Omeka install. In the image below, you see that the Omeka plugins folder is within my “digitalcollection…lsusites.org” folder, because I installed Omeka at a subdomain I titled “digitalcollection.” The folder your Omeka is in will be named something different, depending on where you installed the application.
Here you will see all plugins currently in your Omeka install, such as “Exhibit Builder” and “Coins.” To add a new one you want to have downloaded the zip file locally to your computer from Omeka’s website first (we addressed this above). Then click the Upload button to upload the file.
The interface will allow you to drag and drop or select from your computer one or more zip files for the plugins you wish to upload. Once the upload has completed you can return to the previous screen using the link at the bottom of the page.
You should now see a zip file for your plugin in the plugins folder. The last step is to extract the contents of the zip file to the same folder. To do this select your file and click the Extract button.
Once the plugin is extracted you can delete the zip file and the plugin will now be available for activation within your Omeka administration interface. Within your Omeka app, navigate to “plugins” and click “install” next to your newly available plugin.
Installing Themes
Just as you would install plugins, installing themes to Omeka is very similar. Omeka has a few themes installed automatically that you have access to. But there are more themes available at http://omeka.org/add-ons/themes. There is no automatic installer so you would need to upload the theme to your File Manager in cPanel.
Start by finding the the theme you’d like to install. Download the theme by clicking on the red button.
After, you’ll go to your specific Omeka install. Click on themes. In the image below, you see that my Omeka installed is within a folder named “digitalcollection….” That’s because I installed Omeka in a subdomain that I titled “digitalcollection.” Your directory will be called something different, but it will still contain a “themes” folder, likely with “berlin” and “default” within it.
Click Upload.
You can drag and drop the .zip file into the window or you can click select a file.
Once your file is uploaded to the themes folder you need to go in and extract the files from the .zip folder. Click on the theme file you just uploaded then click on extract.
You’ll need to confirm that you want to extract the files. Click extract files.
Once the theme is extracted you can delete the .zip file and the theme will now be available for activation within your Omeka administration interface.
3.2.3.Setting up the Neatline Plugin
Building an interactive map using Omeka’s Neatline plugin
Neatline is a plugin for Omeka that allows for the creation of interactive maps and timelines. Neatline allows the user to plot points on geospatial layers that, when clicked, reveal text and media. Users may create records from scratch and add them to their Neatline exhibits, or import existing items from Omeka. See Neatline.org for demos of this tool in action and more documentation.
Before using this tool, you’ll need to install the Neatline plugin to Omeka. Follow the instructions on the “Installing Plugins” section of this support page.
Item: Omeka’s basic building block, containing text, media, and/or metadata.
Collection: A group of items, typically sharing a common theme.
Record: Neatline’s version of items. Can be created on their own, or imported from an existing item in Omeka.
Exhibit: A Neatline map or timeline; contains your records.
Widget: An add-on tool for Neatline, such as Waypoints.
Spatial layer: A navigable map that Neatline can use, typically pulled from Google Maps. The various options Neatline offers have different aesthetics.
Setting up (first time only)
1. Install the Neatline plugin (see above). Install any additional supporting plugins you’d like, such as Neatline Waypoints.
2. Go to your Plugins page in Omeka. After Neatline is installed, click “configure” to the right of Neatline.
On the configuration page, click the link to developers.google.com/maps/web. If possible, open this link in a new tab, since you’ll soon need to return to the configuration page.
3. On the Google page that opens, follow the prompts to “Create Credentials” and “API Key.” This documention provides more detailed instructions. You will be asked to set up a billing account, but you receive $200 for free, which is more than enough for a use such as this. When you’re given a long string of characters, copy it. This is your Google Maps API Key. You’ll only need it once.
4. Return to the Neatline configuration page from step 2. Paste your API Key into the text box. Then click the green “Save Changes” button. Neatline is now connected to Google Maps.
5. Click Settings at top right of your Omeka dashboard. In the text box to the right of “ImageMagick Directory Path,” enter this exact text without the quotation marks: “/usr/bin”. Then click the green Save Changes button at top right. This will allow Omeka to handle your images properly.
Neatline is now ready to go!
Managing Neatline exhibits and using the editor
1. Create an exhibit. Your Neatline map will be known as an exhibit. It’s now time to create this map. Click Neatline on the lefthand dashboard menu, which brings you to the Browse Exhibits page. Then click the green Create an Exhibit button.
On the Create an Exhibit page: give your exhibit a Title, Narrative (optional but recommended), and Widgets (if you’d like to use Waypoints or another add-on you’ve previously installed). The Narrative is the exhibit’s primary textual description, and it will appear alongside your map.
Scroll down and select a Default Spatial Layer from the drop-down menu. The Default Spatial Layer is the default map style your exhibit will display. You can edit this any time, so try out a few and see which aesthetic you like best. You can also optionally use the Embed Spatial Layers field to allow your viewers to toggle between various map styles.
The only other setting you need to change here (eventually) is Public: when you check this box, your exhibit will be live. When you’re done, click the green Save Exhibit button at the bottom of the form.
2. Access the Neatline editor. Return to the Browse Exhibits page from step 1. To access the editor, click your exhibit’s title. Clicking Public View or Fullscreen View will let you preview how your exhibit will look to visitors.
Here is what the editor looks like. Notice the Records, Styles, and Plugins tabs, and the list of records below the blue New Record button (there won’t be any records until you add some):
3. Set the default focus. This is the latitude/longitude and zoom that viewers will see when they first open your map (they’ll then be able to move it however they’d like). In the editor, click the Styles tab. Click and drag on your map to move it around, and use the + and – symbols at top left to zoom in and out. When you’re satisfied with the current view of the map, click the Use Current Viewport as Default button. This will automatically fill-in coordinates and the depth of zoom. You can also manually add these. When you’re done, click the blue Save button.
4. Import items into your exhibit, which then become records. First, click the Records tab in the editor. Then, click the large blue New Record button.
New tabs will appear. Click the Item tab. You’ll see a drop-down menu called “Search Omeka items.” This will list all the Omeka items you’ve previously created. Find the item you wish to add to the map and select it. The item’s content appears below the drop-down menu. If it looks correct, click the blue Save button. If not, click “View the item in Omeka,” edit the item, and try again.
NOTE: If you edit an item in Omeka that you’ve already imported into your Neatline exhibit, its record in the exhibit will be automatically updated.
NOTE #2: You can also create records from scratch using the New Record button and the Text tab (without making an Omeka item first). However, this isn’t recommended if you wish to include images or other media in your record, since that media would require additional HTML formatting.
5. Pin your records to the map. You can access any of your records from the list of records on the editor’s main page (see the screenshot in step 2 of this section, looking under the New Record button). Once you’re in a record, you can place it on the map. If you’ve just created a record using the Item tab from the previous step, then you’re already in that record.
Once in the record, click the Map tab. You can draw many different shapes here (and feel free to experiment!), but for our purposes, we’ll look at two buttons: “Navigate” and “Draw Point.”
When “Navigate” is selected, you can move your map around without adding anything. When “Draw Point” is selected, you can click on the map to place a blue pin. When a viewer clicks this pin, she’ll see the record associated with it. When you’re done, click Save.
For example: I have a record containing text and images about Shakespeare’s first performance of Henry V in London. I can go into my Henry V record and use “Draw Point” to place a pin on London. Now, the viewer can click the blue dot on London to bring up this record.
Optionally, you can use the Style tab in a record (to the right of the Map tab) to change the appearance of points and shapes for that record.
You can add as many interactive points or shapes as you’d like.
6. Add widgets to your record (optional). If you’re using the Waypoints widget, select it by clicking in the Widgets field. See the next step for more information about Waypoints.
When you’re done, click Save. Then, you can exit out of the record and back to the editor’s main page by clicking the X above the Style tab. You can return to Omeka by clicking “Return to Omeka.”
7. Adding Waypoints: a table of contents for your map. The following guide from Neatline.org explains how to add a list of clickable records to your map, so viewers can jump from point to point without searching the map for them:
3.2.4.Working with Omeka
Here are a few tips and tricks that can help make sure you get the most out of the Omeka software.
- Item: Omeka’s basic building block, containing text, media, and/or metadata
- Collection: A group of items, typically sharing a common theme.
Creating Collections
This is an organizational tool: by creating collections now, you’ll be able to sort your items later. To create a collection, click “Collections” on your lefthand Omeka dashboard menu. Then, click the green Add a Collection button. On the Add a Collection page, give your collection a Title (you can leave all other boxes blank). If you want to add formatting to your text such as bolding or italics, check the box next to “Use HTML,” and more editing options will appear.
When you’re done, check the box next to “Public” and then click the green Add Collection button.
NOTE: You’ll see many fields when creating collections or items, but there’s no need to panic: almost all are optional and exist for archival purposes. Only fields with a * after them are required.
Creating Items
Omeka is a tool for curating artifacts. In this step, you’ll begin this curation by creating items. To create an item, click “Items” on your lefthand Omeka dashboard menu. Then, click the green Add an Item button. On the Add an Item page, give your item a Title and a Description (you can leave all other boxes blank). If you want to add formatting to your text such as bolding or italics, check the box next to “Use HTML,” and more editing options will appear.
Check the box next to “Public.” If you wish to add this item to a collection, select it from the dropdown menu under “Collection.”
If you wish to add images to your item, click the “Files” tab, then click “Choose File.” Follow the prompts to upload an image. To upload more images, click the green Add Another File button. These images will be displayed alongside your text when a viewer clicks the relevant point on your map.
If you wish to add tags to your item, click the “Tags” tab, then enter all desired tags in the text box, separated by commas. Remember to click Add Tag afterward.
When you’re done adding text, files, and tags, click the green Add Item (or Save Changes if you’re editing) button.
You can always find your list of items, with the option to edit each one, by clicking Items on your Omeka dashboard. From the Items page, you can also use the blue Search Items button to filter items by user or tag.
Clicking “Tags” on the Omeka dashboard will bring you to a list of all your tags. Click a tag’s name to edit it, or click the number to its left to view all items with that tag.
Editing You Omeka Site Menu
From your Omeka dashboard, click Appearance in the black bar at the top of the screen. Then click the Navigation tab.
This takes you to a checklist of links. Each checked link will appear on your home page’s menu. To edit a link’s label (name) or URL, click the small black arrow to its right.
To add a new link: fill in the Label and URL fields at the bottom of this page, and then click Add Link. You can reorder the menu by clicking and dragging the links. When you’re done, click the green Save Changes button.
If you’d rather have links on your menu to one or more specific exhibits, first pull up that exhibit’s public or full-screen view. Copy the URL from the address bar at the top of your browser. Paste it into the URL field on Appearance > Navigation, give it a label, click Add Link, and then Save Changes.
To use a specific exhibit as your home page:
On Appearance > Navigation, add a link to the public or fullscreen view of the map you wish to be the homepage (see the previous step). Then, click on the drop-down menu under “Select a Homepage” (to the right of the link checklist). Select the link you’ve just added. Click Save Changes to finish.
Omeka requires the ImageMagick library in order to resize and generate thumbnails for your images. Louisiana State University provides ImageMagic for all accounts, but occasionally you will need to manually enter the server path to the utility. The setting for this is located under the Settings > General tab and the path to ImageMagick is /usr/bin
Some plugins including CSV Import and Neatline may need to execute code using the command-line version of PHP. If your plugin requires this it can be enabled by editing the config.ini file in your File Manager under application>config.
Navigate to the line that reads:
background.php.path = “”
Change it to the following:
background.php.path = "/usr/bin/php-cli"
Scalar is a content management system with the idea of creating non-linear books on the web. You can learn more about its functions here.
We recommend visiting the Scalar guide (http://scalar.usc.edu/works/guide/index) for more information on getting started.
3.3.1.Installing Scalar
- To get started you’ll need to login to your control panel (https://lsusites.org/dashboard) using your LSU username and password.
- Navigate to the Application section and select Scalar.
- When you click on the Scalar icon, you will be taken to the Scalar information page. Click install this application.
On the next page, fill in the different fields accordingly:
Select the domain or sub-domain where you’d like your Scalar site to live. You can create a sub-domain by following directions in the section Setting up Subdomain. Alternatively, quickly create a subdirectory by providing a name in the “Directory” field. You can learn more by reading Subdomains vs Subdirectories.
Under version, select the version that is most recent.
By default the installer will automatically backup your website and update it anytime a new version comes out, and we recommend you keep this option.
The installer will also create a database for you automatically, but if you’ve already created one for this website you can choose Let me manage the database settings and enter the details.
Finally, in Settings, you’ll need to create a username and password for the Scalar install. A password can be generated for you, but create one that you can remember.
Click Install.
Once the installer is finished loading, you will be taken to the My Apps section of the dashboard. Here you’ll find links to login to your Scalar installation.
Log into your new Scalar instance with the credentials you set during the install process.
3.3.2.Creating a Book
To get started in Scalar, you will need to create a book.
Go to your Scalar site via the My Apps link on your cPanel Dashboard or the Scalar URL you established during the setup process.
Log in to Scalar using the username and password you set up during the installation process.
Note: Scalar has an “old” dashboard and a “new” dashboard, both of which are useable as of December 2023. The images and instructions below are based on the “new” dashboard. Go to the top right corner and click, Dashboard.
Start by clicking “Create new book” and entering a title in the pop up window.
You now see your book under “Books.” If you hover over the title, a “dashboard” button appears. Click it to start adding content to your book.
You can find the Scalar user guide here: https://scalar.usc.edu/works/guide2/index
4.When You Leave
There are a few reasons that could lead you to consider exporting your website content from LSU. Perhaps you’re leaving the university, or maybe you’re just wanting to use your data on another hosting environment. Whatever the case, you have a couple options for how you want to handle this:
If you are leaving the institution, you can migrate your webspace from LSU to our hosting provider, Reclaim Hosting, for a discounted price. Detailed instructions can be found here.
If you would like to move to a third party service, you’ll want to capture a backup of your site. From there you’ll be able to import this backup into a handful of other web hosting services. You can find instructions on taking a backup here.
4.1.Migrate to Reclaim Hosting
Step One: Signing up for an Account
The first step will be to sign up for an account at Reclaim Hosting. This link will take you directly to their Student/Individual Hosting plan option.
- Assuming your current website content exists within LSU Sites (yourdomain.lsusites.org), select the Register a New Domain or the Use a subdomain from Reclaim Hosting option.
- Complete the sign-up process/pay invoice.
Complete the sign-up process/pay invoice.
Step Two: Let Reclaim Hosting Know
Send a support request to support@reclaimhosting.com with the following message:
Hello Reclaim Hosting Support,
I am leaving Louisiana State University and I would like to migrate my account, (your domain), to Reclaim Hosting. Please let me know if you need anything else from me.
(Your Name)
A member of Reclaim Hosting support will respond & help you get your account migrated ASAP.
4.2.Export your domain
To export your domain, we will create a backup of both the files in your domain and the databases that your domain draws from.
- To get started you’ll need to login to your control panel (https://lsusites.org/dashboard) using your LSU username and password.
- Once you’re logged in, you’ll see the cPanel interface. Now click on the Manage Your Account menu at the top of your screen and select User Information.
- To create a backup of your files and databases, click the button labeled Generate Backup. The system will take a moment to create a backup. When it is complete, you will see the new backup appear below the button. You can click on this backup to download the file.
4.3.Unlock your domain
This article only if you own your own top-level domain. If you have been using the free subdomain option with lsusites.org through Louisiana State University, this does not apply to you.
Similarly, if you’re migrating your content to Reclaim Hosting, this article does not apply to you.
Transferring a domain you already own is not too much different from registering a new domain, except the transfer process requires an EPP code, or an agreement code between your old registrar and your new registrar that allows the release of your domain. Your new registrar will have information on how to transfer in a domain. When you start that process, you will be prompted to enter your EPP code.
How to find your EPP Code:
- To get started you’ll need to login to your control panel (https://lsusites.org/dashboard) using your LSU Sites username and password.
- Once you’re logged in, you’ll see the cPanel interface. Now click on the Manage Your Account menu at the top of your screen and select Migration Information.
3. Click the Lock button to unlock your Louisiana State University account.
4. Click Get Code. Once that’s done, the system will send you an email with your EPP code.
At this stage, here are a few items to note:
- You’ll receive a series of emails from both your old and new registrars asking you to authorize the transfer. Please act on every email you receive in a timely fashion– even if the emails look like duplicates.
- If you do not authorize the transfer in a timely fashion, the domain transfer will expire and you will need to start over.
- The domain must be older than 60 days.
- The domain must have no other transfers in the last 60 days.
- The domain transfer process can take up to a week, depending on how fast your registrars work.
- Once the domain transfer completes, you’ll receive a notification.
4.4.Export from WordPress
If you are using your WordPress, you can also get an export of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags.
The WordPress export is great for grabbing the content of your WordPress site so that you can import it into another WordPress host, such as WordPress.com or WordPress.org.
Note: Exports do not include plug-ins, or other site customizations.
- From the Dashboard navigate to Tools>Export
The screenshot below shows how to export all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, navigation menus, and custom posts. However, you can also export just certain posts, pages, or media.
This export process generates an XML file of your blog’s content. WordPress calls this an eXtended RSS or WXR file.
Note: This will ONLY export your posts, pages, comments, categories, and tags; uploads and images may need to be manually transferred to the new blog. If possible, do not delete your blog until after media files have successfully been imported into the new blog.
Once you have exported your posts, pages, etc., you can import them into your new WordPress site.
- Login to your new WordPress.com or self-hosted WordPress site and go to the Dashboard. From there navigate to Tools>Import and click on the link to “Run Importer“
- Next you will see a screen that prompts you to upload the WXR (.xml) file you generated through the export process. Browse to your exported WordPress archive and then click the “Upload file and import” button.
- Choose and upload your file. You will then be prompted to assign an author to the posts that you are importing. You can use this function to assign one author to all posts, or you can manually set the author for each post in the posts menu. Unless you have a space limit, you will also want to select the option to “download and import file attachments” before clicking the “Submit” button.
- When your import is complete, you will see a confirmation screen.
Your exported content is now added to your site. If you had posts on your site prior to importing, those posts are still available.
Because the export did not include themes or plug-ins, you will need to reinstall those separately from the export/import process.